Source One Projects

Green Consulting

Closed Loop Recycling

Circular Economy

Green Consulting

Waste Concepts

Green Investment

Project description

Clear Goals

Working together with you, Source One will define the challenging and clearly measurable goals and actions for your sustainability strategy.

Professional green consulting means much more than just “doing good deeds and talking about them”. It’s the starting point for further projects such as eco-design, closed loop or holistic circular economy projects. In the context of consultation, the act of taking stock shows the chances and potential that can be reached and helps communicate them clearly to employees and customers.

Source One will assist you with the inventory evaluation of the status quo, develop the next sustainable steps and possible optimization approaches with you all the way through to the conceptual implementation. Under the integration of all corporate interfaces such as the management, operations and marketing, the processes, emissions and immissions will be checked, as will the use and origin of potential raw materials or products. The status quo will help you define, implement and communicate further goals with the support of Source One.

Green consulting is a suitable introductory instrument for evaluating existing sustainability parameters, and can be a good guide for further actions and measures.